A Taste of Clojure

Now that we have a REPL session, let's explore some core concepts in Clojure- expressions, vars, functions and collections.


Calculate 1.4 * 67 :

(* 1.4 67)

Output REPL Screenshot - 1.4 * 67

Print "Hello, world!":

(println "Hello, world!")

Output REPL Screenshot - Hello, world!

Sort a Vector (Array) of Numbers:

(sort [4.2 10 1 4.5 1 15])

Output REPL Screenshot - Vector Sort

Sum a Vector of Numbers:

(reduce + [4.2 10 1 4.5 1 15])

Output REPL Screenshot - Sum

Increment a Vector of Numbers:

(map inc [4.2 10 1 4.5 1 15])

Output REPL Screenshot - Sum


Using Variables (a.k.a. "vars")

Define a "var" with string content:

(def my-string-var "Hello, world")

Display the value of the var:


Display the length of the string

(count my-string-var)

Output REPL Screenshot - Using Vars


Defining Functions

Define a function that takes two integer arguments, x and y, and returns the product x * y:

(defn my-mult [x y] (* x y))

Invoke the function to multiply two numbers:

(my-mult 10 50)

Output REPL Screenshot - Defining Functions



Define a var that contains a vector of keywords representing states:

(def valid-states [:stopped :stopping :running])

Add elements to the vector:

(conj valid-states :starting :paused)

Return the third element of the vector:

(get valid-states 2)

Output REPL Screenshot - Using Vectors


Define a var that contains a map which maps states to strings suitable for display in a UI:

(def state-display-vals {:stopped "Stopped" :stopping "Stopping" :running "Running"})

Get the display value for the :stopped state:

(:stopped state-display-vals)

Added a mapping for the :starting state:

(assoc state-display-vals :starting "Starting")

Output REPL Screenshot - Using Maps


Define a var that contains a set of keywords for the days of the week:

(def my-set #{:Mon :Tue :Wed :Thu :Fri :Sat :Sun})

Check set membership:

(contains? days-of-week :Sun)

(contains? days-of-week :Fun)

Return a member if it exists, otherwise return nil:

(days-of-week :Sun)

(days-of-week :Fun)

Output REPL Screenshot - Using Sets


Define a var that contains a list of days of the week:

(def my-list '(:Mon :Tue :Wed :Thu :Fri :Sat :Sun))

Get the first element in the list:

(first my-list)

Return a new list consisting of all elements in the list except the first:

(rest my-list)

Return a new list consisting of all elements in the list with a new element prepended:

(conj my-list :Fun)

Output REPL Screenshot - Using List

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