Basic Code Completion

CIDER provides support for code completion by leveraging the out-of-the-box code completion framework provided by Emacs.

The keybinding C-M-i (complete-symbol) invokes CIDER's code completion.

In Emacs open the file compl.clj located in the code/clj/cider-tour/src/cider-tour directory of the GitHub project.

Type C-c C-v C-n. This evaluates the (ns cider-tour.compl ....) form which imports the say-hello function defined in the core.clj file.


Now, on a blank line type:


and then type C-M-i.

CIDER expands say- to say-hello because there is only matching symbol.

On a new line, type:


and then type C-M-i. Since there are multiple possible matches, CIDER displays all possible matches in a popup buffer:


Turbo-Charged Completion

In Spiking Cider we will add support for the popular Company Mode to provide a more interactive and integrated code completion mechanism.

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